Sunny skies in France for American data graphics innovator ChyronHego


French national weather service Météo-France produces content for the large national media, TV, radio and newspapers. Around six years ago, media outlets started to request Météo-France to give them a way to produce the weather forecast video with the presenter in the foreground. So far producers were limited to voice over off-camera. Météo-France evolved and learned, and developed blue or green-screen video tools where the forecaster could work independently and operate the equipment alone to produce the video of himself with the weather graphics in the background. For that the forecaster had to prepare the weather charts, tape himself in front of a blue screen or green screen, and then re-insert the images at the appropriate spots.

“As media evolved, the real limitation was the lack of special effects,” explains Emmanuel Bocrie, director of the media unit for Météo-France, … read on

[French Morning, New York, May 2016]